Chemical composition of quartz is Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) .
Quartz is the cheapest, most abundant with high hardness naturally available mineral in our mother Earth Crest. It stands predominantly due to its high resistant to any type of weathering. Wide range of industries is using quartz because of its physical or chemical or combined properties of both. By Physical appearance varieties of quartz are available in and on our mother Earth like transparent, glassy, semi glassy, semi granular, granular & colored quartz of rose, smoky, milky, black, green, pink & brown quartz. These varieties are due to its Chemical composition of the magma, rate of cooling, surrounding environmental parameters (temperature & pressure) and composition of host rocks associated during its formation (roughly 2 Billion years ago). Primarily quartz originated by igneous activity followed by metamorphic & sedimentary origin.
Most of the products we use on a daily basis are made with feldspar: glass for drinking, glass for protection, fiberglass for insulation, the floor tiles and shower basins in our bathrooms, and the tableware from which we eat.
Sheet mica is used in electrical components, electronics, atomic force microscopy, oxygen-breathing equipment, marker dials for navigation compasses, thermal regulators, stove and kerosene heater windows, radiation aperture covers for microwave ovens, Specialized applications for sheet mica are found in aerospace components in air, ground, and sea-launched missile systems, medical electronics and radar systems.
Sheet mica is used in electrical components, electronics, atomic force microscopy, oxygen-breathing equipment, marker dials for navigation compasses, thermal regulators, stove and kerosene heater windows, radiation aperture covers for microwave ovens, Specialized applications for sheet mica are found in aerospace components in air, ground, and sea-launched missile systems, medical electronics and radar systems.
Sheet mica is used in electrical components, electronics, atomic force microscopy, oxygen-breathing equipment, marker dials for navigation compasses, thermal regulators, stove and kerosene heater windows, radiation aperture covers for microwave ovens, Specialized applications for sheet mica are found in aerospace components in air, ground, and sea-launched missile systems, medical electronics and radar systems.
Sheet mica is used in electrical components, electronics, atomic force microscopy, oxygen-breathing equipment, marker dials for navigation compasses, thermal regulators, stove and kerosene heater windows, radiation aperture covers for microwave ovens, Specialized applications for sheet mica are found in aerospace components in air, ground, and sea-launched missile systems, medical electronics and radar systems.